Thursday 20 July 2017


இட்டதோர் தாமரைப்பூ
இதழ் விரித்திருத்தல் போலே
வட்டமாய் புறாக்கள் கூடி
இரையுண்ணும்; அவற்றின் வாழ்வில்
வெட்டில்லை; குத்துமில்லை;
வேறுவேறு இருந்து அருந்தும்
கட்டில்லை; கீழ்மேல் என்னும்

கண்மூடி வழக்கம் இல்லை!

Image result for poor and rich

Thursday 25 May 2017



Unnodu Vaazhntha Kaalangal  Yaavum Kanavaai Ennai Mooduthadi 

Nerupaalum Mudiyathamma Ninaivugalai Azhipatharku Unnakaga Kathirpen💗😭🤡

Wednesday 10 May 2017

string method

String Object

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>Never Create Strings as objects.</h2>
<p>Strings and objects cannot be safely compared.</p>

<p id="demo1"></p>
<p id="demo2"></p>
<p id="demo3"></p>
<p id="demo4"></p>
<p id="demo5"></p>

var x = "John";              // x is a string
var y = new String("John");  // y is an object
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = (x==y)+'<br>becz equal value';

var x = "John";              // x is a string
var y = new String("John");  // y is an object
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = (x===y)+'<br>not equal becz one is string anothe is object';

var x = new String("John");            
var y = new String("John");
document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = (x==y)+'<br>different object';

document.getElementById("demo4").innerHTML = "Hello" +



js variable

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>JavaScript typeof</h2>
<p>The typeof operator returns the type of a variable or an expression.</p>

<p id="demo"></p>

var a="hai";
var b=4;
var c;
var d=null;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
typeof a +'     a=hai'+'<br>'+
typeof d +'     d=null is treated as object'+'<br>'+
typeof b +'    b=4'+'<br>'+ typeof c +'   just var c'+'<br>'+
 typeof true +'    typeof true'+'<br>'+
 typeof [1,2,3,4] +'    typeof [1,2,3,4]  '+'<br>'+
typeof {name:'john', age:34} + '<br>'+
typeof function myFunc(){}+'         typeof function myFunc(){}   '+'<br>'+
(null === undefined) + "<br>" +
(null == undefined);

10 == Equal x == y
10 === Strict equal x === y
10 != Unequal x != y
10 !== Strict unequal x !== y


js variable

<!DOCTYPE html>

vist this site for artimetic options

vist this site for assignment of operators

<h2>JavaScript Variables</h2>

<p>The result of adding 2 + 3 </p>
<p id="demo1a"></p>
<p>just declearing the var y; then print y it will display as undefined</p>

<p id="demo1b"></p>

<p>The result of adding "5"+ 2 + 3    if first oprand to be added as string then treat all the following oprand as string</p>

<p id="demo2"></p>

<p>The result of adding 2 + 3 + "5":</p>

<p id="demo3"></p>

<p>string concatination methode 1</p>

<p id="demo4"></p>

<p>string concatination methode 2</p>

<p id="demo5"></p>

<p>string concatination methode 3</p>

<p id="demo6"></p>

var x =  2 + 3 ;
var y;
document.getElementById("demo1a").innerHTML = x;
document.getElementById("demo1b").innerHTML = y;

var x =  "5"+ 2 + 3 ;
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = x;

var x =  2 + 3 +"5" ;
document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = x;

var fn="vishnu"+" "+"yardini";

var fn="vishnu",ln="yardini";
document.getElementById("demo5").innerHTML=fn+" " + ln;

var txt1 = "What a very ";
txt1 += "nice day";
document.getElementById("demo6").innerHTML = txt1;



js statement

function myFunction1()
{ var a=10;
var b=20;
var c=a+b;

function myFunction2()
document.getElementById("para3").innerHTML="this is for para 3 after change belong to same function";
document.getElementById("para4").innerHTML="this is for para 4 after change belong to same function";


<p id='para1'>this is the para 1 b4 change</p>
<button type='button' onClick="document.getElementById('para1').innerHTML='para 1 after change'"> para 1 </button>

<p id='para2'>this is the para 2 b4 change</p>
<button type='button' onClick='myFunction1()'> para 2 </button>

<p id='para3'>this is the para 3 b4 change</p>
<button type='button' onClick="myFunction2()"> para 3 </button>

<p id='para4'>this is the para 4 b4 change</p>
<button type='button' onClick="myFunction2()"> para 4</button>


js in head

function myFunction()
document.getElementById("para").innerHTML="this is not para";
<p id='para'> hai this is para </p>
<button type="button" onClick="myFunction()">click on me </button>

js as external file

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>External JavaScript</h2>

<p id="para">A Paragraph.</p>

<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

<p>(myFunction is stored in an external file called "myScript.js")</p>

<script src="xjs.js"></script>


js in body tag


<p id=para> hai this is para </p>
<button type="button" onClick="myFunction()">click on me </button>

function myFunction()
document.getElementById("para").innerHTML="this is not para";


js event

<p id='para'>no will display here</p>
<button onClick="document.getElementById('para').innerHTML=Date()">click here to c the time below line</button>

<p> In the bellow button it seld display the time by clicking it<br><br>that is button contain time</p>
<button onClick="this.innerHTML=Date()">time is?</button>

<p>here <b>onclick</b> is the event to know more about event
<a href=''>click here to know about events</a></p>


image colour change


<title>colour change </title>


<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>

<button  onclick="document.getElementById('myimage').src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulboff.gif'">trun off</button>

<img id="myimage" src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulboff.gif' style="width:200px">

<button  onclick="document.getElementById('myimage').src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulbon.gif'">trun on</button>



<p id='demo'></p>

document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = addtion(1,2);

function addtion(add1,add2)
return add1+add2;


different output methode

<!DOCTYPE html>

window.alert(5+6,"this is alert window");
console.log(5 + 6);
document.write("this is document wite",9+9);


<p id="para"> this is para</p>
<button type="button" onClick='document.getElementById("para").innerHTML="hai changed"'>click here</button>

<p id="paraDoc">this text is replace by document write</p>
<button type="button" onClick='document.write("it will delete all html elements that can be know by inpecting the page") '>click here document write button</button>


Data Types

<p id='demo1'></p>
<p id='demo2'></p>
<p id='demo3'></p>
<p id='demo4'></p>
<p id='demo5'></p>
<p id='demo6'></p>

var a=123e5;
document.getElementById('demo1').innerHTML=a+'it is the value of 123e5';

var b=123e-5;
document.getElementById('demo2').innerHTML=b +'it is the value of 123e-5';

var c=true
document.getElementById('demo3').innerHTML=c+'  this the boolean value c=true'

var car=[1,2,"bmw","vento"];
document.getElementById('demo4').innerHTML='  this is array 1st val   ' + car[0] +"<br>"+' this is sec val   '+car[3];

var person = {fn:'vishnu',ln:'falthoos',age:21};

document.getElementById('demo5').innerHTML=person.fn+'    this is the first object'+'<br><br>'+;


button click test size change

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>

<button type="button"
Click Me!


button click text change

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->

<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>

<button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!"'>Click Me!</button>


Thursday 4 May 2017

Image colour change


<title>colour change </title>


<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>

<button  onclick="document.getElementById('myimage').src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulboff.gif'">trun off</button>

<img id="myimage" src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulboff.gif' style="width:200px">

<button  onclick="document.getElementById('myimage').src='C:/Users/abc/Documents/js/image/pic_bulbon.gif'">trun on</button>


REPL stands for Read Eval Print Loop

Starting REPL

$ node

$ node

Simple Expression

$ node
> 1 + 3
> 1 + ( 2 * 3 ) - 4

Use Variables

You can make use variables to store values and print later like any conventional script. If var keyword is not used, then the value is stored in the variable and printed. Whereas if var keyword is used, then the value is stored but not printed. You can print variables using console.log().
$ node
> x = 10
> var y = 10
> x + y
> console.log("Hello World")
Hello Workd

Multiline Expression

$ node
> var x = 0
> do {
... x++;
... console.log("x: " + x);
... } while ( x < 5 );
x: 1
x: 2
x: 3
x: 4
x: 5
... comes automatically when you press Enter after the opening bracket. Node automatically checks the continuity of expressions.

Underscore Variable

You can use underscore (_) to get the last result −
$ node
> var x = 10
> var y = 20
> x + y
> var sum = _
> console.log(sum)

REPL Commands

  • ctrl + c − terminate the current command.
  • ctrl + c twice − terminate the Node REPL.
  • ctrl + d − terminate the Node REPL.
  • Up/Down Keys − see command history and modify previous commands.
  • tab Keys − list of current commands.
  • .help − list of all commands.
  • .break − exit from multiline expression.
  • .clear − exit from multiline expression.
  • .save filename − save the current Node REPL session to a file.
  • .load filename − load file content in current Node REPL session.

Stopping REPL.

$ node
(^C again to quit)

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Monday 3 April 2017

One Life

After birth, it should be possible, technically, theoritically and actually, to achieve the goal of your human life in one life – that life. My Guruji used to say, "We should not have to take birth as a human being more than once." Because if we stick faithfully to the parameters of our own evolutionary path that we have outlined for ourselves, the program we have written uniquely, each one for himself or herself, nothing can stop it.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

காற்றோடு  காற்றாய்  கலந்து..
      உன்னை  தேடி வருவேனே ...

அலையோடு  அலையாய் அமர்ந்து..
      உனக்காக  மடிவேனே ...

உன்னையே நான்  நேசிப்பேனே ...
       உயிராக சுவாசிப்பேனே ..

உனக்காகவே  வாழ்வேனே ..
        என்  அன்பே ..

உனக்காகவே  வாழ்வேனே ..
        என் உயிரே ..

என்றும்  பிரியமுடன்

உன் பிரியமானவள்


Monday 20 March 2017

Going Home

It is like a son wanting to get back home again. When that enormous longing in the heart comes, that "I wish to be home again", he rushes back. And the mother meets him. She doesn’t think of his dirtiness, his dust, his slushy shoes or sneakers. She hugs him. So, spirituality says that is how you will be welcomed. Forget your grossness.

Sunday 19 March 2017


One who is interested in himself is not a selfish person. Selfishness means using other people, other things, other places, to satisfy myself, not in my own interest. It is like a person who, when you put a bottle of wine on the table, because it is free, he drinks all of it and gets drunk. But if he is interested in himself, he will say, “No, thank you, I prefer milk.” So, selfishness is desire-based. Self-interest is development oriented, self-development oriented.

Operating System

Nature sends us into this world, the human world, fully equipped with all that we need by way of pre-programmed material in our hearts, which is what is called the operating system in computer language. It is there. We don’t have to learn it. When we buy a computer, the operating system is already installed. Security is already installed – firewall, whatever it is. God is not a fool to make computer specialists better than Himself.

Thursday 16 March 2017

IDE recording for Selenium 2 on Chrome

See Scirocco Recorder For Chrome. It does IDE recording for Selenium 2 on Chrome.


Suppose you plant plantains in your garden and they stay un-ripened, what would you do? Or if they rot before ripening? It would be no use. So only when it ripens into a vegetable can we eat it. Therefore, youth is a time for preparation. Preparation in what way? First is education in the family, which is natural. Listen to your parents, honor them, respect them; most of all, love them.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

How to Download and Install Selenium IDE

How to Download and Install Selenium IDE?
1) Launch Mozilla Firefox Browser.
2) Type URL: in your browser. Selenium IDE Add-ons page will get open then Click on Add to Firefox button as shown in image bellow.
Download and Install Selenium IDE

3) Firefox will show one popup saying do you want to allow Mozilla Firefox to install Selenium IDE Add-ons or not. Click on Install button as Shown in Image below.

4) Firefox will automatically install Selenium IDE software. After the installation is completed, a pop up window appears asking to re-start the Firefox. Click on the “Restart Now” button to reflect the Selenium IDE installation. Click on Restart Now button.

5) On clicking on the Restart Now button, Firefox will restart automatically. In case you missed the pop-up, simply close the Firefox and launch again. Once the Firefox is booted and started again, we can see selenium IDE under the tools menu list. Click on Tools menu list displayed at the top bar. Selenium IDE will be displayed in the list.

6) Click on Selenium IDE, it will launch Selenium IDE.

Sunday 12 February 2017


We should live in the present, thinking of the future. If you do that, there is no more samskara formation

Desires and Happiness

Desires and Happiness
The more desires you have, the harder it will be to fulfill them all, and so the less happy you will be. Happiness is inversely related to numbers of desires

Friday 10 February 2017


Character is a protection around your life. Lose the character, life is lost. It is open to anybody to shoot at you, to destroy you.

Wednesday 8 February 2017


Temptation for money, for position, for wealth – this is how it all starts. Avoid all temptations, and you will be good, you will grow, you will be respectable and you will be happy.


In India, the ancient culture, the ancient tradition, says that the character of a nation is in the hands of its women. Where the women go astray, that society goes astray.

using file content as command-python

import subprocess'ls')

Monday 6 February 2017

how to install application using cmd

1) open the cmd as run as admin
2)give the file path
3)program will execute

Friday 3 February 2017

command line in gcs

Create a bucket

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Use the gsutil mb command and a unique name to create a bucket:
    gsutil mb gs://my-awesome-bucket/
    This quickstart uses a bucket named "my-awesome-bucket." You will need to choose your own, unique, bucket name.
    If successful, the command returns:
    Creating gs://my-awesome-bucket/...
    You've just created a bucket where you can store your stuff!

Upload an object into your bucket

  1. Right-click on the following icon: . Save it somewhere on your computer, such as on the desktop.
  2. Use the gsutil cp command to copy the icon from the location where you saved it to the bucket you created:
    gsutil cp Desktop/cloud-storage-logo.png gs://my-awesome-bucket
    If successful, the command returns:
    Copying file://Desktop/cloud-storage-logo.png [Content-Type=image/png]... Uploading gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png: 0 B/2.58 KiB Uploading gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png: 2.58 KiB/2.58 KiB
    You've just stored an object in your bucket.

Download an object from your bucket

  1. Use the gsutil cp command to download the icon you stored in your bucket to somewhere on your computer, such as the desktop:
    gsutil cp gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png Desktop
    If successful, the command returns:
    Copying gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png... Downloading file://Desktop/cloud-storage-logo.png: 0 B/2.58 KiB Downloading file://Desktop/cloud-storage-logo.png: 2.58 KiB/2.58 KiB
    You've just downloaded something from your bucket.

Copy an object to a folder in the bucket

  1. Use the gsutil cp command to create a folder and copy the icon into it:
    gsutil cp gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png gs://my-awesome-bucket/just-a-folder/
    If successful, the command returns:
    Copying gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png [Content-Type=image/png]... Copying 2.58 KiB/2.58 KiB
    You've just copied your object into a new folder in your bucket.

List contents of a bucket or folder

  1. Use the gsutil ls command to list the contents of the bucket:
    gsutil ls gs://my-awesome-bucket
    If successful, the command returns a message similar to:
    gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png gs://my-awesome-bucket/just-a-folder/
    You've just seen the contents of your bucket.

List details for an object

  1. Use the gsutil ls command, with the -l flag to get some details about an object:
    gsutil ls -l gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    If successful, the command returns a message similar to:
    2638 2016-02-26T23:05:14Z gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png TOTAL: 1 objects, 2638 bytes (2.58 KiB)
    You've just obtained information about the object's size and date of creation.

Make your object publicly accessible

  1. Use the gsutil acl ch command to grant all users read permission for the object stored in your bucket:
    gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    If successful, the command returns:
    Updated ACL on gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    Now anyone can get your object.
  2. To remove this permission, use the command:
    gsutil acl ch -d AllUsers gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    If successful, the command returns:
    Updated ACL on gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    You have removed public access to this object.

Give someone access to your bucket

  1. Use the gsutil acl ch command to give a specific email address read and write permission for your bucket:
    gsutil acl ch -u gs://my-awesome-bucket
    If successful, the command returns:
    Updated ACL on gs://my-awesome-bucket/
    Now someone else can put things into and take things out of your bucket.
  2. To remove this permission, use the command:
    gsutil acl ch -d gs://my-awesome-bucket
    If successful, the command returns:
    Updated ACL on gs://my-awesome-bucket/
    You have removed the user's access to this bucket.

Delete objects

  1. Use the gsutil rm command to delete an object:
    gsutil rm gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png
    If successful, the command returns:
    Removing gs://my-awesome-bucket/cloud-storage-logo.png...
    This copy of the object is no longer stored on Cloud Storage (though the copy you made in the folder just-a-folder/ still exists).

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud Platform account for the resources used in this quickstart:
  1. Open a terminal window (if not already open).
  2. Use the gsutil rm command with the -r flag to delete the bucket and anything inside of it:
    gsutil rm -r gs://my-awesome-bucket
    If successful, the command returns a message similar to:
    Removing gs://my-awesome-bucket/just-a-folder/cloud-storage.logo.png#1456530077282000... Removing gs://my-awesome-bucket/...
    Your bucket and its contents are deleted.